Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Apple Vision Pro Users Report Complaints of Black Eyes, Neck Pain, and More

Early adopters of the apple vision pro headset,which costs a high price of $3500 are experiencing some discomfort and even injuries due to its...

Deep learning

Discovering the Power of Presence

The presence process is robust and straightforward, so much so that even a child could grasp it. Imagine if children were taught this from a young age,it...

Transforming Pain through Consciousness

Pain body is a term used to describe accumulated emotional pain and negativity within us. Unconsciousness refers to being unaware or identified with thoughts...

Machine Learinng


Discovering the Power of Presence

The presence process is robust and straightforward, so much so that even a child could grasp it. Imagine if children were taught this from a young age,it...

Make it modern

Latest Reviews

Discovering the Power of Presence

The presence process is robust and straightforward, so much so that even a child could grasp it. Imagine if children were taught this from a young age,it...


Discovering the Power of Presence

The presence process is robust and straightforward, so much so that even a child could grasp it. Imagine if children were taught this from a young age,it...

Transforming Pain through Consciousness

Pain body is a term used to describe accumulated emotional pain and negativity within us. Unconsciousness refers to being unaware or identified with thoughts...

Understanding and Overcoming Emotional Pain

Everyone experiences pain and sorrow at some point in life, but learning to live with them instead of avoiding them is critical to finding...

Embracing the Present Moment: A Path to Freedom from Pain

Every human being suffers from pain and sorrow at some point in life. Instead of avoiding or running away from these feelings, it's better to learn how to live with them....

Understanding True Love and Inner Peace

Real love, which arises from a deep connection with yourself and others, doesn't bring suffering. How could it? It doesn't suddenly become hate, nor...

Holiday Recipes

The presence process is robust and straightforward, so much so that even a child could grasp it. Imagine if children were taught this from a young age,it...


Deep Learning

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