Beat brain fog:6 supplements supported by science


It is not a medical condition but a group of symptoms, such as lack of focus, tiredness, scattered thoughts, and memory trouble. It may be due to a low nutrient level, so supplements are advised.
It is said to commonly affect people who have a chronic medical condition that includes COVID, autism, depression—and neuro disorder.
There may be many factors, including nutrient deficiencies, that could lead to brain fog symptoms. These are said to be more common in people with medical conditions that are associated with brain fog.
Four supplements may help one with brain fog.
1)Intake of vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient vital for immune system function, good brain health, etc. Low or deficient vitamin D levels may negatively impact cognitive health and contribute to brain fog.
People who are said to have depression or any depressive symptoms can often experience brain fog, such as poor focus and memory problems.
Increasing vitamin D levels may help improve brain fog. Vitamin D supplements may also improve overall health, moods, and thoughts.
2)Intake of Omega3s:
Omega-3s are known for their remarkable health effects. Consuming concentrated omega-3 supplements may benefit brain health and improve specific symptoms of brain fog, including complications of attention and memory.
Studies show that consuming omega-3s containing eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid may help support overall brain health, including memory and attention, and enhance moods.
3)Intake of Magnesium:
Magnesium is an essential mineral found in concentrated foods such as beans, seeds, and spinach.
It’s necessary for many essential body functions as it helps the body’s chemical reactions work correctly. It provides cells with the energy they need to function properly. It wires your nerves so that they can send messages around the body and also keeps blood pressure at a healthy level.
It is said that many people don’t get enough magnesium, which impacts their mental health and causes brain fog.
4)Intake of Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is known for its role in overall health, but this element also supports mental health. A study found that healthy adults who had an adequate amount of vitamin C in their blood showed better performance in focus, memory, and attention. Low levels of vitamin C may affect certain moods, and vitamin C deficiency is said to lead to depression and cognitive decline.


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